MOBSS spare parts

DIY Make it new again

While developing MOBSS one of our aims was to make this anchor sustainable. You should be able to repair a MOBSS, if one of its parts fails over time or becomes damaged. You only need basic mechanical skills for that. Sure, a badly damaged MOBSS can not be saved, but there is no need anymore to replace the complete anchor each time a part is broken or damaged. We strongly recommend to use only the original spare parts from r.o.c.k.d.o.g.s. It took us a long time to find the right combination of materials to make sure that our mobile anchor works safely and smoothly. But we will be not responsible for any modification and repairs unless they are done by a  r.o.c.k.d.o.g.s. certified mechanic.

Spare Parts MOBSS

load plate KIRI
extraction plate
sleeve KIRI
knurled cup alu
skrew KIRI
cone nut KIRI
load plate SIGI
washer 2x

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r o c k d o g s, SL

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